Digital Panel Meters – Ammeter | Voltmeter | VAF | Volt-Amp : Selec
Digital Ammeters

Ammeters are available in 4 Digit LED as well as LCD display with bargraph indication. Available in 4 different sizes to meet various application needs. Rated current 7A max

Digital VAF Meters

VAF meters measure Voltage , Current and Frequency. Additionally, it measures RPM and Run hour. Available in LED and LCD display options

Digital Voltmeters

Voltmeters are available in 3 & 4 Digit LED as well as LCD display with bargraph indication. Available in 4 different sizes to meet various application needs. Can measure upto 600V max

Digital Volt Amp Meters

Volt - Amp meters are available in 3 digit dual color LED display with voltage and current measurement available in single meter.

Single Phase Multifuction Meter

Single phase multifunction meter can be used as a DPM or multifunction meter as well, Saving cost and inventory space required to store multiple meters.